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Can Bearded Dragons Eat Sage


Whether you’re a bearded dragon owner or planning to adopt one, it’s important to understand what they can and can’t eat. That way, you can help your bearded dragon stay healthy and nourished. 

Today, we’ll be covering one of the most common questions about what bearded dragons can eat: can bearded dragons eat sage? It’s important to understand the difference between wild sage and domesticated sage, as well as how often bearded dragons can eat it. Let’s dive in!


Can Bearded Dragons Eat Sage

Bearded Dragons Can Eat Sage

Yes, bearded dragons can eat sage. In fact, sage is a good herb to feed your bearded dragon. It is high in calcium and vitamin A, and it also has anti-inflammatory properties. Be sure to only give your bearded dragon small amounts of sage, as too much can be harmful.


Why is Sage Bad for Other Reptiles?

The short answer is yes, bearded dragons can eat sage. However, it is not a good idea to give them sage regularly. Sage is high in calcium and bearded dragons can easily overdose on it. 

Too much calcium can lead to health problems, such as metabolic bone disease. For this reason, it is best to only give your bearded dragon a small amount of sage every once in a while.


Why is Sage Bad for Dragons?

While it is possible for bearded dragons to eat sage, it is not recommended. Sage is a herb that belongs to the Salvia family, and it is often used in cooking. It has a strong, peppery flavor and is typically used to season meat dishes. 

However, sage is also poisonous to bearded dragons. The leaves and stems of the plant contain high levels of thujone, which is a toxic compound. 

Thujone can cause vomiting, diarrhea, seizures, and even death in bearded dragons. For this reason, it is important to avoid giving your bearded dragon any sage whatsoever.



It is important to know what kinds of foods your bearded dragon can and cannot eat. Bearded dragons are omnivores, which means they eat both meat and plant matter. Their diets should consist mostly of vegetables like kale, dandelion greens, collard greens, mustard greens etc., but it's okay for them to have some bugs once in a while too.



Can Bearded Dragons Eat Sage Can Bearded Dragons Eat Sage Reviewed by Bearded Dragons on January 16, 2022 Rating: 5

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