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Can Bearded Dragon Eat Nightcrawlers



If you've kept a bearded dragon, you probably know they love to eat insects and worms. But can bearded dragons eat nightcrawlers? The answer is yes, bearded dragons can eat nightcrawlers. However, it's not an insect and not a worm. Let's talk about the difference between insects and worms, and the different types of worms bearded dragons can eat.


Can Bearded Dragon Eat Nightcrawlers

What is a nightcrawler?

A nightcrawler is an earthworm that is typically used as bait for fishing. They are large and dark in color, making them easy to spot in the dirt. Nightcrawlers can be fed to bearded dragons, but they should only be given as a treat and in moderation.


Do nightcrawlers make good food for bearded dragons?

Yes! Nightcrawlers make excellent food for bearded dragons. They are a great source of protein, and they also contain essential vitamins and minerals that your bearded dragon needs to stay healthy. Nightcrawlers are easy to find at most pet stores, and they are relatively affordable. Be sure to give your bearded dragon a few nightcrawlers every week to keep him healthy and happy.


What else can bearded dragons eat?

Bearded dragons can eat a variety of different things, depending on their age and what stage of their life they're in. Juvenile bearded dragons can eat crickets, mealworms, roaches, waxworms, and earthworms. Adult bearded dragons can eat the same things as juveniles, but they can also eat pinky mice, small lizards, and small birds. 

As for nightcrawlers, they're not a good choice for a bearded dragon's diet. Nightcrawlers are long and slim, so they can get stuck in a bearded dragon's throat and cause them to choke. Plus, they're not as nutritious as the other things on a bearded dragon's menu.


Do nightcrawlers make good pet food?

Bearded dragons can eat nightcrawlers as a part of their diet. In the wild, bearded dragons eat a variety of insects, including beetles, crickets, grasshoppers, ants, spiders, and even small lizards. While nightcrawlers may not be the most common food item for a bearded dragon, they are a nutritious and healthy option. 

They're a good source of protein, as well as vitamins and minerals. When adding nightcrawlers to your bearded dragon's diet, make sure to mash them up into small pieces so they're easy to digest.



At what age can bearded dragons eat nightcrawlers?

At what age can bearded dragons eat nightcrawlers? Bearded dragons can start eating nightcrawlers when they are about 12-14 weeks old.



Yes, a bearded dragon can eat nightcrawlers. There are many great foods that a bearded dragon can eat including crickets, mealworms and wax worms. Many pet stores sell these different types of insects as food for your pet beardie so you don't have to worry about going out and buying them from someone else.



Can Bearded Dragon Eat Nightcrawlers Can Bearded Dragon Eat Nightcrawlers Reviewed by Bearded Dragons on January 15, 2022 Rating: 5

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